November 8, 2013
The Penn community gathered on Hill Field to celebrate the groundbreaking of a new college house—what President Amy Gutmann called a “living, learning community.”

The New College House on Hill Field is Penn’s first-ever residential building specifically designed as a college house, the University’s residential system that brings together undergraduates, faculty, staff, and graduate students to form shared communities within the larger campus context.

Gutmann was joined at the celebration by Penn Trustee Chair David L. Cohen and major donors to the project, including the Lauder Foundation represented by Penn Emeritus Trustee Leonard Lauder W’54, Penn Term Trustee William Lauder W’83, and Gary Lauder C’84, W’84 and his wife, Laura Lauder, and Emeritus Trustee Stephen Heyman W’59 and his wife, Barbara Heyman.


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Penn News Story.