Opening doors, transforming lives

Extraordinary affordability and access

$2.6 billion

awarded to students over the course of Gutmann’s presidency

$259 million

Penn’s undergraduate aid budget tripled during Gutmann’s presidency

Today, nearly 80 percent of traditional undergraduates leave Penn debt-free and the lives of tens of thousands of students and their families have been transformed for the better. Pioneering initiatives such as Penn First Plus—a comprehensive support system for first-generation and low-income students—propel the success of all students. Applications for admission have grown exponentially in quantity and in every dimension of quality, with a record-breaking 56,333 applications to join the Class of 2025. Penn’s selectivity for the Class of 2005 was 21 percent; it is about 5.7 percent for the Class of 2025. Most meaningfully for increasing educational opportunity, the proportion of students in Penn’s entering class who are low-income, those who are first-generation, and those who identify as minorities all more than doubled over Gutmann’s presidency.

A sea of Penn graduates toss their mortar boards into the air at end of the 2019 commencement ceremony.

Penn students celebrate at a joyful 2019 Commencement ceremony.

Inspiring people, place, and purpose

Exploring President Amy Gutmann’s Transformative Tenure at Penn